Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
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Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
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Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
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Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
We are fully booked on this date
Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
What time?
Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT

You are signing up for the waiting list, you will receive a message if the table becomes available

Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT

Book your table via this form. 

It is mandatory to consume the meal by choosing from our tasty menu.

1 coupon corresponds to 1 baby pimms

Not combinable with other ongoing promotions.

Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
Your contact details
Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
Please accept our privacy policy
Thursday evening is...LADIES' NIGHT
Thanks for your reservation request
Summary of your waiting list entry
First name
Phone number
If the details are correct, press confirm to send the request.